Jackie, Stephanie, and David younger....

Jackie you used to be taller than us girls ;) What happened?

On May 25th, Jackie, favorite older sister, turned 25 on the 25th so therefore it was her golden birthday. She came up to Washington and did her top 25 things she used to do in Washington as a kid.
Every year for our birthday's we would go to Las Margaritas in Redmond, however that las Margaritas is now gone and turned into something else so we had to go to Issaquah. Its not the same but its still Las Margaritas and Jackie always gets her numero catorce which is 2 enchiladas with rice and beans.
David and Kerstin with little Isabelle
The birthday girl and Eric
Granddad and birthday girl
The Las Margaritas way of singing Happy Birthday.... look at Eric and see if you catch what he says at the end of it.
Happy Birthday Jackie and I'm so happy to have you as a big sister!
Love you!
oh and sorry that this is like 3 weeks old but I'm slow.
Thanks Lexi! love you.