Saturday September 4, was the BYU vs. UW game. Justin and Danielle, and then Robert and I went together as a date and afterwards went to Red Robin for dinner. So around 230 that day I went to Danielle's apt in Provo, UT and I did my nails. and hair. Since we are from Washington State Danielle was being half and half - half UW and half BYU so she wanted me to join her even though I don't like UW I'm a WSU fan. So Danielle made me wear it so I did. :)
BYU is Justin's hat (Danielle's bf) and the Huskies is the ribbon that was in Danielle's and I's hair.
Them playing.
This is where we sat - they were good seats I guess, not the best but it was still fun.
Danielle's hair. My hair looked like that too - we had it in high pig tails and then ribbons in them. it was so amazing.

Us together - I started to with the cool setting with my camera on my phone.

My Toes. :) My fingers were the same.
It was tons of fun!! Oh and if haven't heard BYU won 23-17 :)
So cute! Glad to see you blogging again!! Love you!