Jon Schmidt's All of Me song! I have yet to perfect it, still working on it. Its only part of it because the camera kept dying and this was my favorite part of the song. You can always go on his website to listen to some of his songs or youtube them.
Having fun with my phone camera - this is whiteboard and I thought it was so cool!

Jon Schmidt standing up and playing.
Road Trip - now one of his favorite songs to play. Only part of the song - its now on youtube his whole song, and I love this song as well...I just love all of his songs!
Waterfall was one of the first pieces I loved! Got me started to like Jon Shcmidt.
So Jon Schmidt said if you can tell me these notes you can come up and we can do a jazz song. So he played a Blues scale: C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B. By the time I was half way done saying them this kidin the back yelled out all of them...but I wouldn't even be able to do it becuase I was never part of a jazz band. :( but I knew the notes though.But he did really good. So for all the string players: a cello and any strig instrument can play jazz :) thats for all those who say we can't.
Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson played Love Story meets Viva la Vida, U2 meets Pachebel's canon.
So the cello part is very very boring in Pachebel's canon its just the 8 notes (D, A, B, F#,G, D, G, A in that order) for forever and ever and ever and it just never ends. So Steven Sharp Nelson was showing how to play it... you sleep :) This goes out to all the cellos who ever had to play that song - I'm sorry.
U2 Meets Pachebel's Canon -the more fun way to play it on the cello
"Well, Sounds like people know this song, steve. It’s a youtube master that we put together and we found out that we did the permissions wrong. Oh that was fun. Still trying to sorta that out by the way. Yes its 2 separate songs that we are trying to do tonight we were going to do it for you. So the first song we will play will be Love Story by Taylor Swift and then the second song will be Viva la Vida by Coldplay."
not in this recording - they played it twice. But before they switched into Coldplay he said "now Viva la Vida with this cool intro" haha
"Feel free to sing along" - he had a problem to say that in the beginning. haha. Sorry for the bad sound, so I added what the song should sound like, the camera died and so I went to my phone and since I was right next to the speaker it didn't really help much.
So a funny Joke that Jon Schmidt said that Steven Sharp Nelson was like....what? in this viedo.
What does a Duck and a bicycle have in common?
Steven Sharp Nelson playing Love Story meets Viva la Vida
Jon Schmidt being himself - playing the piano crazily :)
Played with his foot
Jon Schmidt and I

Steven Sharp Nelson and I

Jon Schmidt, I, and Steven Sharp Nelson

And just for the record I got there at 4:15 and the concert didn't start till 7:30 so I got to hear the sound check and everything and afterwards before the concert started Steven Sharp Nelson came out and we had a good conversation - and afterwards before the pictures were taken, Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson both gave me hugs for being there so early.
For those who were there in August of 2009 in my ward, I play A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief on the Viola and that was written by Steven Sharp Nelson. - So cool!
Answer to the Joke:
They both have handle-bars....except the duck.
I had such a great fun time - It was sad that no one was there with me so if anybody could come that I knew, I missed you but I went by myself :( But I still loved it!
If no one has heard of the Love story meets Viva la vida, here it is:
Wish I could have gone with you!